
Woman Entrepreneurship - Opportunities & Challenges

I was invited to be a part of a panel discussion on the topic of Women Entrepreneurship at the MCM, DAV college, Sector 36 on the 26th of Feb 2011. We were expected to talk of our initial days, and our work-home balance etc. etc. and what opportunities and challenges present themselves as you go along…and of course any advise one could give to the young ones.

Chhavi came along to attend and did a smart thing by video recording part of the talk, so I don’t have to write too much about what I spoke. The people at the colle...

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WISE at Dell

Dell worldwide started a new initiative called WISE… short for Women In Search of Excellence.

A couple of days back I was invited to give a brief talk to Dell Women Managers (at their Mohali facility) and share my work/home/ life experiences and balancing acts with them. The brief was to speak about principles I consider good to follow in the workplace and in general. Essentially a bit about myself accompanied by a motivational talk.

Well, the talk went off well and I was later told “You made quite an impact on the...

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