I was invited to be a part of a panel discussion on the topic of Women Entrepreneurship at the MCM, DAV college, Sector 36 on the 26th of Feb 2011. We were expected to talk of our initial days, and our work-home balance etc. etc. and what opportunities and challenges present themselves as you go along…and of course any advise one could give to the young ones.
Chhavi came along to attend and did a smart thing by video recording part of the talk, so I don’t have to write too much about what I spoke. The people at the college were so enthusiastic, that the lady welcoming us had done more research on the topic and had pretty much covered all the points under the sun regarding women entrepreneurship, so there wasn’t a whole lot of gyan that the panelists could share other than their own stories. Here’s the first 9 minutes of my talk…
Points that I touched upon after the bit in the video, (another 4-5 minutes):
1. As a working woman, support is essential and you need it all the time, even from your kids whatever age they may be
2. Hard work never killed anyone, and you should take the risk, the younger one is the harder you can work
3. If you are a working woman, and balancing work-home life, AND by choice, don’t go around with a holier-than-thou attitude and look down upon women who don’t work. You chose to work, you’re not doing anyone a favor.
4. Never feel guilty, you’re doing a great job, and it IS possible to balance it all. Your family must understand how important your work life is to you, they must give you space to grow as a professional or entrepreneur and if you neglect them once in a while, don’t worry, they’ll live.
Overall, it was fun.. was treated like royalty, met Blossom Kochhar, who was on the panel as well, sweet lady… great skin… got a little bored with the Q&A, it was as if the teachers told the students what to ask, so there were no natural questions, other than this one from a professor who asked me how I convinced my Dad to let me go to college of art, instead of doing the regular stuff… I don’t even remember how I convinced him now, but I think it was on the basis of who won the pigheadedness competition, and I think I out-lasted him there
Hi Anuja, nice to read your message, thank you. If you're out to do the right things in life, you should also be able to convince your parents, they'll hear you out, and see your point of view if you're logical, respectful and convincing :-) You may want to also see an earlier post here http://www.anuja.com/2010/01/wise-at-dell/, may be helpful.